With the season fully in gear now, it’s more important than ever to ensure that you are NetballSmart.

Since the start of the year, more than 150 coaches and players have attended a NetballSmart workshop in the Central Zone to learn how best to prepare for trainings and games. With this new knowledge, we are looking to create a new generation of stronger, more resilient players, able to cope with everything that the game throws at them.

There are a number of projects ongoing within the Zone, including our continuing program of NetballSmart workshops as well as our intermediate school program. To date, three schools have expressed their interest and have had our NetballSmart development officer visit the school. On the initial he has taught the coaches/ teachers and parents how the warm up works, before visiting again to run it with the players. We are very keen to continue this in as many schools as possible and would love to hear from any schools who think this may work for them.

We still have work to do, and we are looking to engage with as many coaches and players as possible to continue this momentum, and reduce the injury rates in our players. Keep an eye out for future NetballSmart projects ongoing around the Zone, and get involved on social media as we look to build awareness around the whole Netball community.

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